Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More Decorating

So we figured out how to make a blog into a "Team Blog" and added me, so that I could update the page. We went to the Home Depot last night and picked up a Christmas tree (yep Kelsey got her way and we got a real tree). We didn't have any lights to put on it so we couldn't decorate it  until today. Kelsey went to her parents and got a couple strands of lights, and some more ornaments. It finally got decorated and we put presents under it. We also got the rest of the decorations up around the new apartment, along with some of the pictures. Here are some pictures so far:

With the flash you can't tell that the lights are on, so we took one without the flash.

If you look close there are 14 snowmen in this picture.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Moving Update

We are now in the new place.  Friday night, Liz, my parents and siblings came over to help load cars.  We loaded my mom's Ford Explorer and my Jeep Cherokee with boxes, Dad's van had the bed and more boxes, and Trek's truck held the rest of the big furniture perfectly.  We drove up to Fremont only hitting a little traffic.  By the time the pizza was delivered we had about everything unloaded and we ate around boxes.  We started unpacking and by the time the boys left there were only a few boxes left.  

Saturday, the cable guy came (late of course) so we have internet and TV again (we upgraded to the next cable packages so we have DVR now.  It's so great!)  We finished unpacking all the boxes and started organizing everything so we can find what we need.  I think we're about there but no decorations or pictures are up.  The place is very cream colored.  The walls are cream, the carpet and the coach are the same cream colors, and all our furniture is brown.  My red kitchen decor helps add color to the place but I can't wait to put up the pictures and Christmas decorations to give it some character.  I think we've decided to get a real tree.  Home Depot is just down the street.  

Well, that's all for now.  Thanks to everyone who helped us move.  We appreciate you all so much.

P.S.  If anyone knows of anyone who's getting rid of a coffee table or end tables let me know.

7 and 8 (a tag)

I was tagged by Laurie to fill in the following:

7 Things I Do:
-visit my family

7 Things I Can't Do:
-hold a grudge
-have a messy house (if I can help it)
-watch TV all day long
-go without a stereo
-fall asleep with the TV on
-find jeans that fit
-make decisions 

7 Things I Always Say:
-I'm sorry for your lose
-Take care
-Are you serious?
-I'm cold
-Love you

7 Things I always Eat
-Life cereal
-PB&J sandwiches
-bagel bites
-honey sandwiches
-rice a roni

8 TV Shows I like to watch:
* House
*Home Improvement
*Full House
*What Not to Wear
*Myth Busters

8 Restaurants Where I Like to Eat:
*El Burro
*Taco Bell
*Marie Calenders 
*my mom's house (it's not a restaurant but it's the best food anywhere)

8 Things That Happened Today:
*filled out my time card
*went to Safeway
*went to Jamba Juice
*drove a lot in the rain
*listen to the radio
*cleaned the apartment
*found the missing remote
*posted this

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
*Jody getting home tomorrow
*seeing Kyle and Suzanne at Christmas
*Sam's family Christmas party
*Christmas Eve at my parents'
*finishing getting the new place unpacked, organized and decorated
*New Year's Eve party
*Kyle and Suzanne having a baby next summer
*getting a new car someday

I tag Brandon, Carl, Rachael Maxwell, and Suzanne

Friday, December 5, 2008


Sam and I are moving to Fremont, about five minutes form his work.  We're upgrading to a one bedroom!  I am so excited to have a private bedroom.  The kitchen even has four walls and the bathroom has drawers!  It has so much closet space I don't know what I'll put in them but I'm sure they'll fill up fast.  

I ran out of boxes so I thought I'd post the pictures of the progress we've made in packing so far.  I went to the Cake Works last night after work and picked up these boxes.  Most of them smell like chocolate or gingerbread so now our house smells a little like Christmas!  Today I have the day of so I'm cleaning, packing what I can and wrapping the breakable items.  We have our work cut out for us.

Monday, December 1, 2008


Sorry I'm a little behind on the blogging.  Here's an update:

Thanksgiving was so fun.  My parents and siblings went to Kyle and Suzanne's in Las Vegas.  Sam and I stayed in California to have dinner with Sam's family at Matt and Heathers.  While I missed spending time with my family and seeing my long lost brother and sister-in-law, we had a blast with the Seenos and extended family.  We had a yummy dinner and tasty desserts.  Then a bunch of us played one of our favorite games, Loaded Questions.  We had a blast.  I'm so thankful for great family, new and old.
Saturday, Sam and I went out to buy Christmas decorations.  This being our first Christmas we didn't have any decorations.  Without spending too much money, we bought all kinds of different snowmen and Sam picked out a perfect nativity.  Now, hidden around our apartment are 13 little snowmen!  We are still debating what to do about a tree.  Any suggestions?  I know I've already said this, but I am so excited for Christmas.