Thursday, April 30, 2009

Poetry Month

I just learned that April is Poetry Month!  I've been collecting poems for about four years now so I have lots of favorites.  Since I've been working in the funeral business I have a lot of funeral poems.  And even more recently I started collecting Dr. Seuss quotes.

My two favorite poems are written by my Grandpa Tilton:  "Bubble Jum" and "Lamentation of a Squirt Gun."  They are both long so I'll spear you but let me know if you're curious.  

I would like to share this one with you.  It's called "A Smile for You" but I don't know the author.
Smiling is infectious, you can catch it like the flu, 
When someone smiled at me today I started smiling too. 
I passed around the corner and someone saw me grin.  
When he smiled I realized I'd passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth,
A single smile, just like mine, could travel around the earth.
So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected.
Let's start an epidemic quick and get the wold infected.  

Sunday, April 19, 2009

1st Beach Trip of the Season


I LOVE THE BEACH!  When I got off of  work Saturday, I had a voice message from Angie saying that she, Seth, JD, Trek and Breeanne were at the beach if we wanted to join them.  So we did.  We also added Rachel and Brandon to the group.  We stopped for Jack in the Box on the way and got to Twin Lakes Beach at about 6:30.  Sam and I went down to the water and got our legs wets.  Then we had fun roasting marshmallows and hanging out.  Sam's favorite part was burning things (something he has in common with my family).  My favorite part was being with famiy.  I even got to hold little JD!  

We finally remembered to take the camera and we took a lot of pictures before it ran out of batteries before the sun even set.  Here is a little sample.  There are more on Facebook and scrapbooking all 50 will be my project for this week.  


Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Another great weekend started Friday night with Sam cooking. I got home around 5 and he had already started. When he told me he was making cookie dough for dessert I got very excited (cookie dough is my favorite, better than cookies... unless they are right out of the oven). He made very yummy chicken marinated in a maple syrup gaze. The cookie dough was as great as anticipated and we ate it until we couldn't eat any more. We finished our date night by watching A League of Their Own (a very good baseball movie).

Saturday morning we did laundry and baked the rest of the cookie dough. The cookies turned out really good! We took them over to my parents' house where we spent the rest of the day. Mom helped me with some family history and I worked on that until the rest of the family started arriving around 3. Sam went out and helped Uncle Eric and Aunt April with the BBQ and I helped Mom get things ready inside. All the food was as great as always and everyone had fun. The kids even had an Easter egg hunt! After the family party, some of Rachel and Brandon's friends came and we played Missionary Impossible (it's a very cheesy card game that only Mormons would think is fun).

Sunday was great too. In sacrament meeting, the choir sang a few songs mixed in with great talks about the Savior and His atonement and resurrection. One of the songs involved the primary kids "singing" the chorus! It was so great to think about the Savior and all he did for me, his life and example, his sacrifice, death, and resurrection! It's what I should have in mind every day but I'm grateful for this holiday to remind me.

After church, we went to the Wallingers' for dinner. Robert's cooking is never short of amazing and I ate way too much pasta, chicken, potatoes, crab, and bread. And on top of that, we had brownies and ice cream for dessert. The time spent with family was even better than the food (and if you know Rob's cooking, you know that's pretty darn good). We all had fun hunting for our egg and just spending the day together.

I'm so grateful for the weekend of fun and family. I love all my family so much and missed the ones who weren't there. I hope everyone had a great Easter and take this opportunity to think of the Savior now and throughout the year.

(Sorry, we forgot the camera again.)