Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just Rambling

So today I don't have to go to work until about one so I'm enjoying a morning off.  Sam went into work to get a few things done so the apartment is pretty quiet.  The good thing about it is that I get to listen to my country music and don't have to have the T.V. on all the time.  The bad thing about it is that we don't get to spend the day together.  

So the weather is being very strange here.  It is sunny and warm.  I went to my parents house the other day and Grandma was out planting and weeding in her garden.  I asked her if it was spring already.  I wasn't even wearing my coat or a sweater!  The only reminder that it's only January is how cold it is at night and early morning.  I love warm weather but we could really use the rain.  

Our new ward at church is really good.  There are a few young couples but mostly it's kind of an older ward.  Everyone's been really friendly and I love being back in Relief Society to learn from the Teaching of Joseph Smith.  We haven't had to speak or been given callings yet but the bishop is coming over to visit tomorrow so we'll see.  

Sam is still working hard at his first year teaching.  There have definitely been ups and downs.  The budget crisis is making everyone nervous, especially me.  Who knows what will happen come the end of the school year.

But for the most part we're doing really well.  I'm so happy and wouldn't change a thing!

1 comment:

Nana Laurie said...

Just keep doing what you know is right and everything will be good. You and Sam are so good together. I am so lucky that both my sons have found such perfect companions. I love having daughters now.