Sunday, February 8, 2009


It's Sunday afternoon and Kelsey is taking a nap. She has been telling me that I need to blog so I guess now is a good time to do it. So, I've been spending some time in the kitchen lately. We got a bunch of cookbooks for our wedding so I've been looking through them to see if there is anything that I want to attempt. Anyway, here are a few of my experiences.

So, some of you have heard this story but for those who haven't...
A couple Friday nights ago Kelsey wanted chocolate chip cookies, but she didn't want to make them. So I decided to do it. Using the recipe on the bag of the chocolate chips it was all working out o.k. After everything was mixed Kelsey came in to eat some of the dough and said that I had over mixed it since it looked more like frosting instead of dough. When they came out of the oven they had bubbled over and didn't really resemble cookies too much. We weren't sure exactly what went wrong other than I may have over mixed it. The next morning Kelsey had to work and she told me to try again since we had the missionaries coming for dinner that night. So, I began gathering the ingredients again and noticed another jar in the back of the cabinet, which I did not see the night before. This jar contained flour. The night before I had mistaken the powdered sugar for flour. This time the cookies turned out much better.

On Friday night there was a dance for all the adults in our old stake down in San Jose. It didn't start until 8:00 so I flipped through the cookbooks and decided to try making pizza. After a quick run to the store for toppings I used the mixer to make the dough and made two personal sized pizzas. They actually turned out pretty good. 


Nana Laurie said...

I'm impressed that you are trying your hand at cooking.

Georgia said...

Good job cooking! It's always nice when both of you help out with the cooking instead of leaving it all up to one.

Allison said...

Hahaha that's awesome! Remember when Tim switched the amount of flour and oats required for oatmeal cookies?!

Brandon P. Hansen said...

I love that story, Sam!

Sam Seeno said...

Yes Allison, I do remember. I also remember trying to do the math with fractions at like 1:00 in the morning to try and compensate for too much flour